Rental Guarantee

Majime Partners support our local property management teams by lending our balance sheet in order to guarantee rental agreements on whole residential blocks.  In the current London property market, many developers of boutique properties opt to rent out their property rather than trying to go to sale. Our property manager is able to take the long-term lease and rent out to their short term guests for an acceptable margin in addition to paying our investors a rental guarantee fee while not requiring us to put any money down. 

16 Northdown St

Through a stressed structured finance deal, Majime Partners capitalised on an opportunity to acquire 2 high design apartments well located in Kings Cross.  We opted to take up a fantastic penthouse for our own investor use in addition to a 2 bedroom unit for a generous yield.  While managed on a nightly rental basis at a premium, the business  has proven to generate an increased yield over and above the standard AST Rents.

Please see more of our award winning flats here:

2 Bedroom:


Natex Student Accommodation

Majime Partners were able to offer a high interest rate first lien mortgage at 90% LTV to an attractive student accommodation development in the heart of Liverpool. While the repayment of the loan is derived from the sales of units, our investors enjoy a cash flow sweep of part of the deposits in order to ensure swift repayment while we retain a first charge on the entire property.

Crypto Currency Mine

Another example of Majime Partners moving swiftly to take advantage of an opportunity can be seen in our exploration in Crypto Currency mining. To stay true to our strategies looking for cash flow, we opted to set up a crypto currency mine which would create new crypto daily which we immediately sold rather than investing into any one particular currency hoping for appreciation. Our investors enjoyed the cash flow distributions during the dramatic rise in value and Majime Partners took the opportunity to sell the hardware of the mine at a premium when we saw the sector begin to lose profitability. 

This exploration into Crypto mining has opened the door to many new block chain ventures that we currently have under development including a new mining hosting platform and large block BTC OTC brokerage. Both platforms are to be launched formally to the public in 2019.